Life Coach For Women Who Want More
Finally.... DISCOVER How You Can Not Only Want More Ladies But Get It!
More Success
More Motivation
More Confidence
More Contentment
More Passion & Purpose
Not SOMEDAY, When the Kids Are Grown And Your Retired....

Now This Isn't
Pixie Dust-Black Magic-Big Voodoo- Cross Your Finger-Wish
We 100% Guarantee It Or Your Money Back!
Now Let's Get Serious, Really Serious about your life!
Hello Ladies,
I am Paula Trotter a life coach for women who are aware there is MORE to life then the way they are currently living but just aren’t sure how to achieve more. They have been putting everyone else needs and wants before their own for so long they have lost themselves? Let me help you to reimagine your life.
I’ve been in your high heels. To be honest they hurt! I’ve walked through cancer, divorce, fears, and grief.
I’ve had my confidence shaken vigorously like a Margarita and poured over the coldness of life.
I struggled with issues like simultaneously rising through the workplace ranks while “multitasking” to meet the 1950s standards of Motherhood.
Take care of everyone else and then maybe squeeze in an hour a week for self-care. But most of the time I couldn't even fit in a trip to the salon to get my nails filled. They looked witchy...But When others asked “How are you doing Paula” I would just smile and say “Fine” while on the inside I was dying a slow painful death day by day and hated to even get out of bed to toss down some donuts.
My job and life as a wife and Mom of 3 all looked great on paper, but it was sucking the life out of me.
I felt completely invisible.
But This Isn't About Me, This Is About You!
Can you relate to any of this?
Does every day feel like you’re on a hamster wheel and you don’t value, respect or esteem yourself enough because you feel that what you need, think, or feel- really doesn’t matter?
Do you have issues that require more than superficial solutions and band-aid fixes?
Chances are if you are like the women, we work with you have experienced defeat, failures, trouble, and turmoil. Ladies, you are not alone, we have all been there feeling perplexed by life, frightened, or broken.
Wondering, where is this abundant life?
The day I got my wakeup call I was on a redeye flight leaving California and headed home to Houston, nothing was out of the ordinary, I’ve taken this journey 100 times before. But this trip was different.
The oxygen mask dropped down as life flashes before my very eyes. This was my sign life had to change…
“Put on your oxygen mask before helping others”
Life is much like an oxygen mask; you can’t help anyone until you first help yourself.

If you are not taking care of yourself and you are not a priority in your life...
EVERYONE in your life will be impacted in a negative way…
Your marriage, relationship with your kids, friendships, and even your career and health.
Had the plane crashed I would have died with regrets, aching to do things over again, to have done them right, the first time.
Ladies let me help you live with the realization I had that day; I’m dying and so are you!
What would your life look like if you lived like you were dying?
No matter how pessimistic it sounds, the truth about life is they we are all advancing towards our final moment, one does not say, that they will get to die in their old age. It's something that can occur at anywhere, any time, and sometimes without warning. When life is so uncertain are you taking the time to live your life to the fullest? Are you always trying to express yourself? Expand your new horizons and learn new tools and skillsets? Are you standing up for yourself and the beliefs you have? Are you grateful for the life you have? Are you seizing every opportunity?
Or do you find yourself looking at where you are and comparing it to where you thought you would be?
Have you forgotten your passion, goals, and aspirations.?
Have you even stepped back and removed your rose-colored glasses to see the panoramic view of your life without the bias or negativity? How does it look?
Attention goes where your energy flows- Tony Robbins
If you’re letting you energy hover over negativity, your mind and body will follow. You must redirect that energy to the positive side.
I can hear some of you saying, “There’s nothing positive in my life?”
That’s a matter of perception, right now as bad as your life may appear there is some woman who wishes she could trade you places.
As a life coach for women, I have worked with women living in painfully difficult marriages, women diagnosed with cancer, women outcastes by their families for their sexuality, women carrying for ageing parents. Women passed over for promotions simply because of their gender not their credentials.
but through working with me as a life coach you women will discover what they did, a source that allows you to walk through these storms in life unscathed, with peace, confidence, and wholeness.
Working With A Life Coach For Women Is Not About...
I am not saying work with a life coach for women and your life will be stress-free or trouble-free life.
Spoiler Alert but you have ZERO control over people, places, and things. You have 100% control over your perception and reactions.
That’s easy to say, just have a new outlook on life and things will be alrighty, but its difficult unless you have the tools and techniques to master your mind, and this is what as a life coach for women I help you to achieve.
Unlike many other life coaches for women there aren’t any cookie cutter recipe for success like Betty Crocker, who happens to be a man.
This isn’t add 1 tablespoon of happiness, a teaspoon of positivity, and a cup of luck.
Instead, our program is based on YOU and baked with 100% money back guarantee commitment. If you put in the work, give me 100% of all you have and you are unsatisfied with the results then in 4 weeks I will refund your money.
I remove the risk because I believe in you and want you to have no fears about investing in your success! Women just like you have seen major transformation and we want everyone to experience the same opportunity!
Working with a life coach for women isn’t therapy.
Working with a life coach for women isn’t counseling.
Working with a life coach for women isn’t self-help books or magical foo-foo.
There is nothing wrong with any of these things but let me ask you this. If you were to get inside your car and try to drive looking only in the rear-view mirror, how long would it be before you crashed?
We, you, and I deal with the here and now, the present. We cant change the past and tomorrow isn't guaranteed.
Many women are enslaved to the past. Whether it’s the results of their own failure or the failure of others, the past can hang around your neck like a weight that is too heavy to bare. You drag it around everywhere you go because your enslaved to it and haven’t learned how to unlock the clasp to free yourself from burdens of hurts, habits, and hang-ups.
Instead of dealing with the past in the hopes of a better future, you accept where you are right now and with the help of a life coach dedicated to your success as a woman, I help you to get moving forward and reimagine a new life!
The essence of having a life coach for women is not a matter of just professionalism or performance it’s about a lasting transformation!
When you work with a life coach we end the insanity cycle, the fears, disappointment, and failure holding you prisoner and I teach you the straightforward path to achieve your goals and settles for nothing less than greatness.
Do you feel lost in your current season of life and don’t see any way out?
Are you a woman whose marriage is hanging on by a thread? Whose heart aches for your children?
Has your self-confidence been shaken?
Have you been overwhelmed with past failure and wounds?
Do you have intense person struggles, doubts, and confusion?
Do you struggle with chronic stress and never-ending to-do list?
Has something horrible happened to you and conclude you’ll never be okay again?
Are you gripped with the fear of rejection, the fear of people, and a longing for approval?
The women I work with come from all walks of life but all share one common denominator, they are not satisfied with their lives and current circumstances. They are ready to stop putting themselves as a last priority and invest in a life coach for women to learn how to reimagine the present and live with passion and purpose today, tomorrow, and for whatever years they have been gifted to live.
How Our Life Coach For Women Program Is Different
First, we schedule a free discovery call, we clarify your motivating factors for coaching and determine whether I am the right life coach for you, your needs, and expectations.
If not we simply part as friends who have spent a brief moment together, shared a few tears and a couple of laughs, and I will wish you all the best on your journey forward.
Should I be the right fit for you and I become your you life coach I will work with you to create a customized plan according to your specific goals and desired outcome.
I help you learn the pathway to freedom. I’m not talking about some magical formula that will make problems vanish.
I am not offering shortcuts to an easy life, nor am I promising you we will tiptoe through the tulips absent of pain and difficulties.
Life is hard- there is no way around that. What I am talking about is walking through the realities of life like rejection, loss, disappointment, and past wounds, to find freedom and true joy.
When we work together, we remove all the labels of “Wife”, “Mom” “Executive” or “Entrepreneur” and get reacquainted with the woman in the mirror.
Ladies you may be a leader in the work force or at home, but I give you 100% permission to be a breathing, walking, talking, and emotional woman who has needs, wants, and dreams!
This is your life, and you get a HUGE say so in it!
Then I teach you to take full responsibility and ownership of your life, how to remove the lies, and faulty assumptions that you believe and replace them with truths.
I hold you accountable and may kick you in the rear at times to get you out of your comfort zone, for this is where success occurs.
I am your sounding board; I listen and care deeply for your success is mine and this is why you have access to me around the clock for the 12 weeks we work together.

Paula always listened during our weekly sessions while providing appropriate responses that encouraged me to find my own conclusion to any question or issue. Her strength is that she teaches you to use the tools and doesn't spoon feed! That is a difficult task for many people to master. She is a "natural". ~AB

Over the twelve-week course, I experienced many "aaha" and take-away moments that I never considered previously. Paula has an amazing ability to empathize while providing the necessary tools and encouragement which allows her clients to seek their own way. ~ Alice

As I navigate new milestones in my life, Paula has been invaluable as my sounding board and cheerleader. She is someone I can share my values, worries, and aspirations with, and in turn, feel motivated and inspired to forge a path that is meaningful and purposeful to me. Thoughtful in her feedback and a great listener, ” Melissa
Women Are You Ready To Give Life Coach A Chance?
Ladies, if you are ready to start creating the kind of life you truly want and deserve, if instead of being miserable, frustrated, and enslaved you want to be free, confident, and content then I invite you to schedule a free 30-minute discovery call where we can see if I am the right life coach for you.
A Word Of Warning
Because I am a big advocate in taking my own advice with work-life balance and self-love I work with only an elite few women one on one every 12 weeks. The downside is I only have a limited number of slots available so please don’t miss out of another opportunity to start creating a life worth living.
Act Fast! My free strategy sessions and life coaching for women spaces fill up quickly, if we are filled, we will add your name to our waiting list.