How Can Our Life Coach Help You?
Here is a sampling of the life coaching services Paula offer. Kick back, relax, and make yourself right at home. We are here to answer any of your question, We are excited you have found our website, let the journey towards a new healthier life start today!

Boost Self Confidence
When you hire me as your self confidence coach, I help you to discover how to trust in yourself to make healthy choices. To seize every opportunity in life, relationships, and in your career
3 Important Questions a Life Coach Can Help You Answer
Most of us at some point, whether we are living our best life, embarking upon a life changed by divorce, death or becoming an empty nester or we simply have a feeling in our gut that something isn't right and needs to change a life coach can help. The role of a life coach is to be a voice of reason and a sounding board of trust as you process your thoughts and feelings. Here are five questions Paula Trotter, a certified life coach in Houston can help you explore.
What do I really want in life?
This is at the heart of every individual I have the blessing to coach. Some people know exactly what they want but don’t know how to set the goals that will get them to their destination and for others they have lived being a spouse and parent who forwent their desires and now that they are facing divorce or the kids have gone off to college need to be reintroduced to the person in the mirror. As a life coach in Boulder Colorado I help you uncover what is most important to you and what's standing in your way so that you can live a purpose driven life.
2. How can I become the best version of myself?
People are like a coin, there is the side of you that only those closest to you see. The side that you'd never show in a public setting. Then there is your PR side, your smiling while on the I side feeling shaky or unconfident. As a life coach in Utah I work with you to teach you how to communicate, develop effective listening, reduce stress, and ultimately how to be a better spouse, parent, employer or boss so that you have stronger and mutually rewarding relationships.
3. Am I standing in my own way?
When was the last time you had a self-evaluation? One of the greatest benefits of having a life coach in San Diego is a heightened self-awareness which consequently results in your ability to change the self-sabotaging behaviors and circumstances that aren’t serving you. Many people without the right tool set have a tendency to be timidly, procrastinate, struggle with fear or anxiety, have a struggle communicating and listening all of which are self-defeating behaviors we work other for you to overcome.