A Goal Setting Coach Program With A Guarantee!
I get it, the feeling of doubt, emptiness, pointlessness, the hell of having chased your goals and dreams only to fall short of the goal line. I have struggled with the self-ramifications, fears, and frustrations of setting goals but never having achieved them. Its painful and will zap the joy right out of you to ever try again. Have you lost your drive and ambition to succeed? Have you fooled others and yourself into believing your content but inside you feel like you’re dying because there is no point, purpose, or passion in life? This is why we offer a goal setting coaching program that is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before! This isn’t hype or sales fluff, if you commit just 30 days to working with me a goal setting coach and you are not complete satisfied, I won’t waste your time, I will give you a full refund. This shows you how committed I am to your success and how much I believe in the program I have built. Click the blue button below. let’s set goals and accomplish them together!
7 Step Goal Setting Coaching Program
Here is a brief overview of some of the things we work on together to ensure you reach your goals. For some those goals maybe personal for others it maybe family focused and still in, yet others may be professional goals. As a goal setting coach, I customize the program according to your goals and needs.
Set the vision: What do you want to achieve? What inspires you and what’s the price to pay for not reaching your goals?
Rank your goals: Are these goals reasonable? Next what is the order of importance
Set an achievable timeframe: How long will it take you to reach the goal line, and how will you know if you are headed in the right direction?
Create an action plan: There are a lot of little and big steps that happen between where you are and the goal you want to reach. What are the day-to-day steps you need to take to reach the milestone.
Track your progress: As a goal setting coach one of the biggest roles, I play is to make sure you stay focused and reach your goals. One of the ways I accomplish this is through checking your goals.
Reevaluating your progress: Over the course of 12 weeks, we reevaluate the steps you’re talking and the progress you’re making. I hold you accountable. Consider me an accountability partner, your success is my success. I will provide you positive feedback and if need be, kick you in the rear to break you out of your comfort zone.
Create a personal reward system: One of the things that I find that stops people short of the goal line is they get bogged down. Some goals can’t be reached overnight like running a million-dollar business but that doesn’t mean we should have rewards along the way, this allows us to reach smaller goals on the way to larger goals. You need to be kind to yourself, give yourself a break, and realize that all the little actions create the bigger picture
Three Secrets Other Life Coaches In Utah Won’t Tell You

“Paula took me on a 90-day journey where she helped me to completely rebuild myself. My confidence went from an all-time low to unstoppable, I felt like I was floating on a pink cloud. I highly recommend Paula as a self confidence life coach”

Working with Paula my journey back to the confident college girl from decades ago took me days, my only regret is not finding a self confidence coach sooner! My passion and energy are rejuvenated, and I can look in the mirror again.

What makes Paula the idea self confidence coach is that not only does she deliver results in 90 days but when things go wrong and pitfalls occur, I know how to avoid taking a wrong turn. I never want to go back into the bottomless pit of negative destructive thinking that led me to feel so awful, worthless, and uniquely flawed.
Paula helped me to reprogram my mind into a perfectly functioning powerful machine. My confidence, growth and success are so different then they were before I reached out to work with Paula. I have confidence, growth, and success!
What makes Paula the idea self confidence coach is that not only does she deliver results in 90 days but when things go wrong and pitfalls occur, I know how to avoid taking a wrong turn. I never want to go back into the bottomless pit of negative destructive thinking that led me to feel so awful, worthless, and uniquely flawed.
Goal Setting Coach VS Goal Achieving Coach
If you go to Google where the world of information is within the power of your fingertip you can learn all about goal setting, there are hundreds of “gurus” who have crafted SMART, CLEAR, and PURE goal formulas so what makes me any different? As a goal setting coach, I have created a formal, a process that creates a difference between various different goals. Goals are not a one size fits all approach; in fact, they are powerfully different. So many people focus on the end goal but for you to reach the end goal you desire to achieve it must be paired with one of three types of other goals:
The reasons most people and programs fall short is they focus on the end result or the end goal and this is a recipe for failure. The end goal of a losing 20 pounds or landing that promotion is really not the end of the goal it should be the start, its creating the end results in as much detail as possible so that you take the right steps to reach the winners circle. Next what you may realize is that the end goal may not be something you can control. We can’t control people, places, and things only ourselves. If your end goal is a promotion, getting your spouse to _____ (fill in the blank) then you can’t control the outcome. The answer to this is not to change the end goal but to balance it. If you want the promotion then the goal maybe to own X number of projects from start to finish or to maintain a positive attitude, to become an inspiring person. We call this performance goals. When we focus on our role, our performance then it saves us from becoming overwhelmed with the end goal and allows us to control the outcome. Again, we have 100% control of ourselves and ZERO control over people, places, and things. We must work at goals that we can control the outcome of if we want to be effective. We measure our progress, and we strive for progress not perfection. If we improve ourselves but we don’t get the end goal of a promotion, then we lost nothing but if all we are striving for is the end goal that is someone else’s control then we stand to fail, and most people don’t have the mental fortitude to take Einstein approach to failure. “I haven’t failed, I have just found 10,000 ways it doesn’t work.” As a goal setting coach, I ensure we work together diligently and intelligently each giving ourselves and each other 100% so that you experience extraordinary results. If you want better, faster results then click the button below and take advantages of one free session
Scheduling a Free 30-Minute Goal Setting Coach Call
Schedule a Free discovery session to discuss you goals today. In this 30-minute call we will get the chance to discovery if I am the right goal setting coach for you. All of my clients will tell you that after our call they had a better sense of direction then before we spoke. Some of you may wish to procced and others won’t, this is a personal choice therefore I give you my word there is no hassle or pressure to hire me as a goal setting coach. This is simply an opportunity to evaluate your choices.
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